Monday Motivation With Gabby & Laird

If you are lucky enough to live near a big city like LA or NYC you can hop in and check out one of Gabrielle Reece's HIGHX training classes that were launched earlier this year at all 24 Hour Fitness locations throughout the U.S.
"The 50-minute high intensity class is designed to maximize the body's ability to burn fat, build lean muscle, optimize the body's hormonal and physiological response to exercise, all while improving overall daily and athletic performance.  Designed for all fitness and skill levels, the HIGHX class works in small groups, rotating through the progressive functional training circuits.  HIGHX circuits are powered by cutting edge, high quality Lifeline products.  The instructor provides coaching and encouragement as the small groups naturally build member support and community."
Check out this video/photoshoot they did for ESPN's 2015 Body Issue...SMOKING hot bods for a 45 year old mom, and 51 year old dad. Tips on training, marriage, and how they make it work: